
- 1 part fresh ginger juice
- 1½ to 2 parts sugar syrup (see below)
- 3 parts fresh lemon juice
- 10 parts water (tap water or still mineral water)
- For the sugar syrup, use a ratio of 1:1 - e.g. 500g (1lb 2oz) sugar to 500ml (16fl oz) water. For a richer, stronger syrup, use a ratio of 2 sugar to 1 water, for a lighter syrup, use 1 sugar to 2 water.
- Pour the juices through a fine sieve, and mix with the other ingredients.
- Pour a litre of this into a soda syphon, and affix a CO2 capsule.
- Chill for 3 hours so that the CO2 bonds better with the liquid.
If you love a bit of experimentation, rather than carbonating the mixture in a soda syphon, do this in a bottle with the addition of champagne yeast (24 yeast cubes, 24 hours fermentation), and await the result with eager anticipation!