
SACCO’s fledgling Kaleidoscope grew out of Sutton’s Black History Group quarterly magazine.

It showcases members’ writing talent on topics such as South Africa, the economic relationship between Africa and China, Nigeria, Prince Klaas, Ballet Black, Stephen Lawrence, LGBT & masculinity, Walter Tull, Sara Forbes Bonetta, Barack Obama, Naomi Osaka, and modern Jamaica. As sports fans, particularly of our local team the ‘giant killers’ Sutton United, we also regularly include features on black talent in football, cricket and tennis, while our Travels with SACCO articles will take you off to Spain, Jamaica, and Holland.

We are always interested in including memoirs of the migrant experience to Britain from both the Caribbean and Africa, so if you have a life story to tell please do contact us. You are also welcome to contact us if you would like to become a volunteer writer.

View latest Kaleidoscope newsletters below

a red rose on a black background Kaleidoscope

2020 - July to September

Welcome to the July to September issue of Kaleidoscope. Earlier this year, we were awarded a grant to print copies of our magazine to keep everyone entertained and informed during the pandemic and below, you will find a choice selection of the articles printed in our magazines between August and September. SACCO's George Brown created the beautiful image of the pink rose we use to illustrate this quarterly issue, and it also featured as one of our loveliest magazine covers in September.

Many of the articles you will find below proved a hit with readers...So much so in the case of Charmaine's lockdown piece that it has since been reprinted in another local magazine. Zain and Mercedes both report on their experiences of the BLM movement, and the profound impact these past few months have had on their lives, while Marsha acts as our local guide to the best places to visit in lockdown. Graham's articles on the history of Zambia and Zimbabwe proved to be an epic journey back in time, and you can read the second part of his popular series in the Oct/Nov 2020 issue. Finally, but certainly not least, Lisa's article on superfoods is a must for anyone interested in health, wellbeing and livening up their dishes! 

The Editors

Cover photograph by SACCO Photography Lead George Brown 

painted lady butterfly on a plant Kaleidoscope

2020 - April to June

Over the past three months we have lived through very challenging times. We have seen a global pandemic take hold, killing thousands in the U.K., with the B.A.M.E. community and over 60's disproportionately affected. We have witnessed widespread protests following the traumatic and unlawful killing of George Floyd.

In this issue of Kaleidoscope, Pam reflects on the reasons why our B.A.M.E community has been so badly hit by COVID-19, while Shanique explores the deaths of black men in UK custody, offering us a note of hope that George Floyd's death can - and should - lead to lasting social change. Articles exploring film, music and literary history, South Africa, South London and growing up in Stevenage all highlight the socio-personal experiences of members of our community in both past and present times, at a time when it is crucial to make our voices heard.

Man looking through microscope Kaleidoscope

2020 - January to March

In this issue we are delighted to be showcasing charities based in Africa and the Caribbean. You can read all about George Brown's memorable visit to a Jamaican Mission, the amazing work carried out by Michelle and Kevin at the Saltergate Children's Home in Ethiopia, while Dr. Edward Cole outlines the moving history and achievements of Masanga Hospital in Sierra Leone, which was originally founded in the 1960's to treat leprosy. The politics of Tanzanite and Trinidad and Tobago's iconic Prime Minister Eric Williams likewise feature in this issue, and you can reflect on the General Election results of December 2019 with our talented politics guru Gazi.